Version 5.1.2 for Mk4 Released

Minor Mk4 Release: Version 5.1.2
New Feature: SIGHASH Other Than ALL
Now supports all SIGHASH
types (previously only SIGHASH_ALL
was supported).
This can enable specialized Bitcoin transactions involving multiple signers and even
limited changes to the transaction after signing. To enable the more dangerous SIGHASH
modes, you must change Advanced -> Danger Zone -> Sighash Checks
. Warnings are shown
for all of the new SIGHASH modes regardless of this setting.
- SeedXOR now supports 12 and 18 word mnemonics.
- Signing memory, speed optimizations.
- Docker repro build container improvements (non-privileged container)
Bug Fixes
- After extended private key and TAPSIGNER backup import into blank wallet, users needed to manually reboot Coldcard. Main menu now shown correctly.
- Old code would set SIGHASH type on foreign PSBT inputs.
- “Validating…” screen would be shown twice in some cases. Improves performance.
Video Tutorials
We have a growing library of video tutorials on Youtube … and we’re still adding more!